In Oran...

In Oran, you are standing at crossroads of cultures, colours and civilisations, you feel the grandeur of history and the warmth of being at the northernmost part of Africa, you discover the evolutionary process of thought, influence and experience. 

A country with a uniquely affluent historical past, inhabited by people gazing confidently and optimistically into the future


A country that although statistically small, is huge in its diversity.

A landscape that has given us thousands of postcard images but remains incredibly vibrant and impossible to capture.

Algeria is a country of beautiful contradictions, a constant journey in time, from the present to the past and back again.

Walk through the olive groves, through ancient sites. Move to clusters of sparsely inhabited islands. Roam from beaches to rocky mountains and explore the breathtaking scenery.

In Algeria the fusion of images becomes more than imagery and turns into reality.

Explore your senses in Algeria.